Year 1 Program Varsity Program Engineering Business Competition
Software Cave

This team develops the software to control Competition Robots as well as demostration robots.

The competition robots have both autonomous and teleop (driver controlled) modes using C++ and XML. The utilize many sensors during autonomous to allow the robot to perform its operations.

The demonstration robot code is written in RobotC, C# and C++. Currently, we have the following demonstration robots:

Software team at robo expo

Software Team in Action

running software on the robot

Software 2016 Season

Design Process


Software Design Process

  1. Broke the mechanisms on the robot into subsystems
    • Subsystem listed for each proposed mechanism design
    • Eventually shortened to just the final mechanisms
  2. Listed functions subsystems needed to accomplish
  3. Used StarUML to create a use case diagram
  4. Created an input output chart for what would trigger each of the use cases
  5. Designed the class and sequence diagrams for each subsystem
  6. Created a list of test cases to verify that the subsystem performed all of the required tasks
  7. Get mentor approval to start coding
  8. Write the software for that subsystem
Uml diagrams


Software Training & Resources

Motion Control

Christopher Batten (MIT)